Saturday, March 7, 2009

Wisks and Flops

We live in a warm place. Warm enough that probably 75% of my shoes are flip flops, I would say more, but I love shoes and still can't get rid of the 30 pairs that are too tall for Mommies to chase toddlers in.

Anyway, you can probably wear them 12 months out of the year here and people do. Sometimes when we get that flukey really, really cold day, you see people with flip flops and heavy jackets on. I may have been that person once and Dove may have been that person twice.

Now Lex, Brody and Collin are the proud owners of their first "flops".

At least 2/3 are proud. Brody likes to look at his, but wear his tennis shoes. The other two are however, are VERY proud owners of flops. So proud that when they wear them they shuffle very slowly about and stop every other person who passes by to announce that they have flops and kick their legs up high enough for them to see and tell them how cool they are. Okay, Collin does that way more than Lex, but Lex shuffles and shows a few people.

It took us about 30 minutes to walk from Target at the mall to the food court, which is normally a very, very quick jaunt.

It was hilarious and so much fun! I love seeing the excitement on their faces and the seriousness and the sheer pride. They are growing so fast. They love to look at my feet and then theirs and then my feet and then theirs, floppified of course.

At the end of this evening, I told them they could each pick out a toy from the dollar bins at Target.

Did they pick the farm animals?

The Spiderman toys?


They each picked out a wisk.

That's right, a wisk. They wanted to stir and make something.

It's fine with me, I love to bake and cook. I just thought it was funny that amidst all of the toys and Easter goodies, they pick out a wisk.

Oh, and they only had one blue one, so we went home with one blue one and two pink ones.

But we also went home with smiles and memories to look back on and giggle.



Krystyn @ Really, Are You Serious? said...

Oh, that is too funny. I can imagine them shuffling along....and then picking out wisks!

Dani said...

I can totally picture this!! Too funny. I bought Ryder flip flops but he refuses to wear them. We live in 80+ weather 90% of the year! He needs to wear them!! Maybe your boys could show him how?!