I love you Mommy.
Those are the most incredible words that I have ever heard.
You know the saying, "Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words can never hurt me."
That saying is WRONG. Words can hurt, but much, much more importantly, words can heal, words can uplift, words can encourage, words can do so, so much.
I love you Mommy.
Words can leave you breathless, speechless and fill you with more love than you thought existed.
I love you Mommy.
Those are the greatest and most beautiful, most important 4 words I have ever heard.
Say something kind today, isn't life wonderful???
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
A Belated Christmas Wish!
Merry Christmas Everyone!!! We had an amazing day. At the end of the day, I asked Collin what his favorite part of the day was, and he replied, "I liked singing Happy Birthday to Baby Jesus. I love Jesus so, so much!". I was so sure that Santa was going to be his answer and I was so touched that I started crying. Out of the mouths of babes...
Thank you Lord for all that you have given us and continue to bless us with. Every smile, every hug, every kiss and every tear...these are more valuable to us than gold. We don't deserve these three gifts that you have given us, but we are humbled and grateful that you are sharing them with us. May we all serve You and do Your perfect will every moment of our lives. Thank you for sending Your Son to save mine.
In Jesus' Name
Merry Christmas from our family to yours.
In Jesus' Name
Merry Christmas from our family to yours.
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
I'm tired and it's been a long time since I put any new pictures up, so I thought I'd bombard you with not so good quality pics of A, B and C playing soccer. They were so excited to go to their first practice. They wanted to play on their own team so badly! They did sooo good the first night! Even another parent commented on how "athletic" they all are. It was awesome! The next time, they weren't as into it, and after that Lex and Brody decided it was more fun to play on the bench and drink their water bottles. *sigh* You can't win 'em all.
It was a good experience though. I think they will be really good and enjoy playing soccer when they are a bit older and can focus for longer than 20 seconds without getting bored.

It was a good experience though. I think they will be really good and enjoy playing soccer when they are a bit older and can focus for longer than 20 seconds without getting bored.

Monday, November 9, 2009
Whoo Whoo!
All Aboard!
Today the A, B, C and I had a conversation about Daddy going to Japan. He leaves for his 3rd annual Tokyo trip in a couple of weeks. I was explaining to them that he will be gone for quite a while and getting their input on what we should do while he's gone. I brought up the possibility of going to see Grandma and Grandpa McHargue and taking a train to do so.
Big mistake.
Examples of why this was a mistake...
1. I have been told at LEAST 500 times by Collin, that he wants to go to Grandma and Grandpa's house now.
2. Brody has alternated between being scared of the train and wanting to leave this second.
3. Lex has taken every train he owns out (too many to count), and proceeded to ask me, one at time, "Is this the train we're going to ride on Momma?".
4. During one of Brody's scared admissions, Lex told him, "It's okay Brody, I'll be right with you. We'll go in tunnels and on bridges and the big bridge will break and crash to the ground!". (THANK YOU Thomas the Tank Engine.)
It's going to be a long couple of weeks...
It will be fun though. I should probably be scared at the thought of taking them that far, on our first train ride, to one of the busiest places in the country (Washington DC), by myself. I'm not though and I'm worried that that may qualify me as slightly insane.
It will be an adventure, but every day is an adventure. You never know what you can do until you try. So Virginia, watch out, here we come!
And with that, I'm exhausted. Today's been an adventure, ha ha!
Nightie night!
Today the A, B, C and I had a conversation about Daddy going to Japan. He leaves for his 3rd annual Tokyo trip in a couple of weeks. I was explaining to them that he will be gone for quite a while and getting their input on what we should do while he's gone. I brought up the possibility of going to see Grandma and Grandpa McHargue and taking a train to do so.
Big mistake.
Examples of why this was a mistake...
1. I have been told at LEAST 500 times by Collin, that he wants to go to Grandma and Grandpa's house now.
2. Brody has alternated between being scared of the train and wanting to leave this second.
3. Lex has taken every train he owns out (too many to count), and proceeded to ask me, one at time, "Is this the train we're going to ride on Momma?".
4. During one of Brody's scared admissions, Lex told him, "It's okay Brody, I'll be right with you. We'll go in tunnels and on bridges and the big bridge will break and crash to the ground!". (THANK YOU Thomas the Tank Engine.)
It's going to be a long couple of weeks...
It will be fun though. I should probably be scared at the thought of taking them that far, on our first train ride, to one of the busiest places in the country (Washington DC), by myself. I'm not though and I'm worried that that may qualify me as slightly insane.
It will be an adventure, but every day is an adventure. You never know what you can do until you try. So Virginia, watch out, here we come!
And with that, I'm exhausted. Today's been an adventure, ha ha!
Nightie night!
Sunday, November 8, 2009
3's a Charm...
First of all, I should say that I have been a very, very bad blogger. I slack off for a few days and then feel guilty about it, so I put it off even longer and then BAM!, it's been 5 months without writing a word. So much has happened, vacations, Lex was hospitalized in July for 3 days, my little men celebrated their 3rd Birthday and so much more. Well, I'll do my best from now on. I like to think of this as a journal of our life. One day I hope to print and bind it for them to read when they are older. So anyways...on with the current events!
My sweet, quiet Brody.
I thought we were past all of the normal toddler dangers now that they are three. Babies swallow things, but three year olds don't, right?
Two weekends ago, Brody accidentally swallowed a hard plastic cherry from the game "Hi Ho Cherry-O". We had to go get x-rays to make sure the cherry was on it's way through his digestive system. The stem is kind of sharp and really pointy so off we went. All was well.
Last weekend, he discovered the first ever snake we have had in our yard and I didn't get to see it until he was holding it. A 2-3 foot water snake. No ER, it was a close call though. He is fine and the snake ran away for it's life. Probably smart because Daddy and Mr. Allen were on a seek and destroy mission. All was well.
Tonight, I looked up to see him fiddling with his nose. At that time, he exclaimed, "Mommy my BEAD!". Not what I was expecting. So, he managed to find a small bead and put it in his nose. Luckily for us, after a bit of CAREFUL manuevering, we freed the little guy without the help of the ER.
*sigh* All is well. *sigh*
We should probably have a television show.
Nighty-night all...
I've missed you.
My sweet, quiet Brody.
I thought we were past all of the normal toddler dangers now that they are three. Babies swallow things, but three year olds don't, right?
Two weekends ago, Brody accidentally swallowed a hard plastic cherry from the game "Hi Ho Cherry-O". We had to go get x-rays to make sure the cherry was on it's way through his digestive system. The stem is kind of sharp and really pointy so off we went. All was well.
Last weekend, he discovered the first ever snake we have had in our yard and I didn't get to see it until he was holding it. A 2-3 foot water snake. No ER, it was a close call though. He is fine and the snake ran away for it's life. Probably smart because Daddy and Mr. Allen were on a seek and destroy mission. All was well.
Tonight, I looked up to see him fiddling with his nose. At that time, he exclaimed, "Mommy my BEAD!". Not what I was expecting. So, he managed to find a small bead and put it in his nose. Luckily for us, after a bit of CAREFUL manuevering, we freed the little guy without the help of the ER.
*sigh* All is well. *sigh*
We should probably have a television show.
Nighty-night all...
I've missed you.
Monday, June 1, 2009
Only 6 days left until our Disney Vacation!!!
My mind is reeling with things to buy and pack. This will be our 1st real vacation since the Boys were born!
They are sooooo excited! Everyday when I ask what they want to do they say, "Hmmmm...how about go see Mickey Mouse where he lives!!!".
How cute is that?
I can't wait to see their faces!
Off to make more lists...
My mind is reeling with things to buy and pack. This will be our 1st real vacation since the Boys were born!
They are sooooo excited! Everyday when I ask what they want to do they say, "Hmmmm...how about go see Mickey Mouse where he lives!!!".
How cute is that?
I can't wait to see their faces!
Off to make more lists...
Sunday, May 17, 2009
Alright, alright!
Okay, I have been SUCH a slacker, I know.
Once I got a little behind, I felt bad and kept putting it off and off.
I am back now. I'm just gonna go with it!
We are such busy little Boys now! Today we went to a Birthday party at Bouncing Angels and ended up meeting our friend Jack and we all stayed for 6 hours.
Yes, 6 Hours of bouncing, running, sliding, laughing and whatever merriment 4 almost three year olds can come up with.
At 4 we drew the line and we all went out to dinner at a Japanese Steakhouse. We made it home around 6 and my little men were bathed, and asleep at 7:30.
It was a fabulous day!
They played so well and had so much fun!
I am going to go pass out now...I need to rest up to see what tomorrow shall bring...
Once I got a little behind, I felt bad and kept putting it off and off.
I am back now. I'm just gonna go with it!
We are such busy little Boys now! Today we went to a Birthday party at Bouncing Angels and ended up meeting our friend Jack and we all stayed for 6 hours.
Yes, 6 Hours of bouncing, running, sliding, laughing and whatever merriment 4 almost three year olds can come up with.
At 4 we drew the line and we all went out to dinner at a Japanese Steakhouse. We made it home around 6 and my little men were bathed, and asleep at 7:30.
It was a fabulous day!
They played so well and had so much fun!
I am going to go pass out now...I need to rest up to see what tomorrow shall bring...
Monday, April 27, 2009
We walked all 6 miles in the March For Babies Saturday!!! Okay, well if you were 2 1/2 you were pushed while you snacked and ate candy, while Mommy and Daddy pushed all 100 pounds of brothers 6 miles around our city.
But it was AWESOME!!!
I love the March of Dimes, I love the March For Babies and I love everyone who has supported us in this event and since the birth our our beautiful preemies!
If you didn't catch it, I was on a local morning talk show last Wednesday, click here!
I am still convinced that I kind of looked like an alien on TV, but it was for a wonderful cause and it was so much fun! Jessica is such a sweetheart and made me feel so comfortable!
Well it is off to bed, I'm beat!
But it was AWESOME!!!
I love the March of Dimes, I love the March For Babies and I love everyone who has supported us in this event and since the birth our our beautiful preemies!
If you didn't catch it, I was on a local morning talk show last Wednesday, click here!
I am still convinced that I kind of looked like an alien on TV, but it was for a wonderful cause and it was so much fun! Jessica is such a sweetheart and made me feel so comfortable!
Well it is off to bed, I'm beat!
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Soooo Nervous!
Tomorrow I will be on Channel 4's Morning News show between 6:30am and 7am. I am so stinking nervous...wish me luck!
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Going up?
So, on Tuesday I had a Dr's appointment at 8:45 am. Dove was in class so the Boys and I made the trip solo(okay, technically it was quado, but you get the point).
They were in their wagon and we had to take the elevator up one floor. In one floor we had quite the conversation.
Instantly the Boys noticed our reflection in the polished brass ceiling. They shouted, "Look Mommy, it's Brothers! It's Lex, and Brody and Collin and Mommy!". I said something back and then one of them said and the others starting repeating, "Look, I see TRIPLETS!".
Okay, I never refer to them as triplets, I know tons of people do, but I had no clue they realized they were. I've talked to them about it before, but they never seemed to care.
So in shock, I said, "You're right, there are triplets, are you a triplet?"
Lex replied in his most stern, talk-backing voice, "NO Mommy, YOU A TRIPLET!!!"
I almost died laughing! I couldn't help myself, I know I should have told him not to speak to Mommy, that way, but that was the most random conversation I still giggle thinking about it. It may have been a you had to be there moment, but I wish I could let y'all hear the way it played out. It was too funny!
This was just another second of our life, these Boys keep me on my toes and I thank God for it every chance I get!
They were in their wagon and we had to take the elevator up one floor. In one floor we had quite the conversation.
Instantly the Boys noticed our reflection in the polished brass ceiling. They shouted, "Look Mommy, it's Brothers! It's Lex, and Brody and Collin and Mommy!". I said something back and then one of them said and the others starting repeating, "Look, I see TRIPLETS!".
Okay, I never refer to them as triplets, I know tons of people do, but I had no clue they realized they were. I've talked to them about it before, but they never seemed to care.
So in shock, I said, "You're right, there are triplets, are you a triplet?"
Lex replied in his most stern, talk-backing voice, "NO Mommy, YOU A TRIPLET!!!"
I almost died laughing! I couldn't help myself, I know I should have told him not to speak to Mommy, that way, but that was the most random conversation I still giggle thinking about it. It may have been a you had to be there moment, but I wish I could let y'all hear the way it played out. It was too funny!
This was just another second of our life, these Boys keep me on my toes and I thank God for it every chance I get!
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Darn You Tricycle Shirt!!!
For the first time possibly ever we had a clothing fight.
As usual I grabbed three shirts in different colors. A red fire truck one, a blue tricycle one and an orange tee. I also grabbed pants, socks, shoes and diapers.
The Boys told me they wanted to go to the "train store" aka Toys'R'Us. They saw the shirts and Lex grabbed the fire truck shirt. Okay, Collin normally wears red, but no big deal, we're chill, right?
I get him dressed and grab Brody and ask him if he wants to wear his tricycle shirt. To which Lex and Collin start squealing, I want a tricycle shirt and making up some song about how much they love tricycle shirts.
Okay, no big deal, we're chill, remember?
I go to grab the other two tricycle shirts(yes, I do have three that are exactly the same and no I do not usually put them all on them at the same time. Honestly Brody is usually the only one who wears them and that way I don't do laundry as much, HA!) and guess what?
I can only find one more.
Sooooo....I got to spend 15 minutes tearing my house apart for the 3rd tricycle shirt that was hanging in the closet. Why would I bother looking there???
So today I say Darn you tricycle shirt!
As usual I grabbed three shirts in different colors. A red fire truck one, a blue tricycle one and an orange tee. I also grabbed pants, socks, shoes and diapers.
The Boys told me they wanted to go to the "train store" aka Toys'R'Us. They saw the shirts and Lex grabbed the fire truck shirt. Okay, Collin normally wears red, but no big deal, we're chill, right?
I get him dressed and grab Brody and ask him if he wants to wear his tricycle shirt. To which Lex and Collin start squealing, I want a tricycle shirt and making up some song about how much they love tricycle shirts.
Okay, no big deal, we're chill, remember?
I go to grab the other two tricycle shirts(yes, I do have three that are exactly the same and no I do not usually put them all on them at the same time. Honestly Brody is usually the only one who wears them and that way I don't do laundry as much, HA!) and guess what?
I can only find one more.
Sooooo....I got to spend 15 minutes tearing my house apart for the 3rd tricycle shirt that was hanging in the closet. Why would I bother looking there???
So today I say Darn you tricycle shirt!
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
I'm proud of you Mommy.
What has happened to naptime?
The last couple of weeks have been rough going in.
My kids are sleepers. They always have been, but lately they are fighting it.
Once they fall asleep it's no problem, these Boys will nap from 3-4 hours. It's just getting there.
Today they were all running amuck in their room so I decided I would gate them in and paint the trim in the hallway.(I was in the middle of painting when I got pregnant and somehow it's never been finished...)
They were so excited watching, so I let them for a few minutes and then I told them to get in bed and not get up until they woke up. I tucked them all in again and hugged and kissed them. While going through this routine with Lex, he put his little arms on mine and looked up with bright, wide innocent eyes and said, "I'm so proud of you Mommy."!
For what, I don't know. Painting the hallway? Tucking him in? Not screaming at all of them that I'm exhausted too and to close their eyes now? Finding the definition of love in those bright green eyes?
You know what?
I don't care what it was for.
My son is proud of me and I am so incredibly proud to be his Mommy.
Life is good.
The last couple of weeks have been rough going in.
My kids are sleepers. They always have been, but lately they are fighting it.
Once they fall asleep it's no problem, these Boys will nap from 3-4 hours. It's just getting there.
Today they were all running amuck in their room so I decided I would gate them in and paint the trim in the hallway.(I was in the middle of painting when I got pregnant and somehow it's never been finished...)
They were so excited watching, so I let them for a few minutes and then I told them to get in bed and not get up until they woke up. I tucked them all in again and hugged and kissed them. While going through this routine with Lex, he put his little arms on mine and looked up with bright, wide innocent eyes and said, "I'm so proud of you Mommy."!
For what, I don't know. Painting the hallway? Tucking him in? Not screaming at all of them that I'm exhausted too and to close their eyes now? Finding the definition of love in those bright green eyes?
You know what?
I don't care what it was for.
My son is proud of me and I am so incredibly proud to be his Mommy.
Life is good.
Who all is out there? I'd love to hear from you if you read my blog!
How about a little meet and greet?
Please leave a comment introducing yourself and how you came across this blog!
Sometimes I feel like I'm talking to myself on here, lol!
How about a little meet and greet?
Please leave a comment introducing yourself and how you came across this blog!
Sometimes I feel like I'm talking to myself on here, lol!
Monday, April 13, 2009
Our awesome Daddy!
Dove is the most amazingly artistic man. He works really hard at what he does and in turn is an amazing comic artist, a draw-dropping guitarist, a dedicated Professor and the most amazing Husband and Father a girl could dream of...
He drew at all of my ultrasounds and while the Boys were in the hospital and then did a comic strip about them for the first year they were born. We were looking back and I thought I'd share some...even if you've seen them before!

These are just a few, I'll add more. There are quite a few and it is going to be an amazing keepsake for our Boys.
Thank you Husband! You ROCK!!!
He drew at all of my ultrasounds and while the Boys were in the hospital and then did a comic strip about them for the first year they were born. We were looking back and I thought I'd share some...even if you've seen them before!

These are just a few, I'll add more. There are quite a few and it is going to be an amazing keepsake for our Boys.
Thank you Husband! You ROCK!!!
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
In our house we have throw up bowls. We keep at least one in the Boys room under one of the beds. It has come in really handy. We put the others in there if needed, but there is always at least one available.
Tonight I asked them if they wanted to go do something to which Lex responded, "No, I want to throw up!"
I was walking out of their room when I heard his response so I turned back to see him finish up his reply by grabbing the throw up bowl, setting it on Collin's bed and pretending to throw up for a few minutes.
Seeing how much fun his brother was having, Brody joined in.
Realizing they were leaving someone out, they asked Collin, "You want to throw up?".
These Boys may have a serious shot at acting, they are very convincing.
By this point Dove had come in and we just stood in the doorway and laughed ourselves silly.
Nighty-night all.
Tonight I asked them if they wanted to go do something to which Lex responded, "No, I want to throw up!"
I was walking out of their room when I heard his response so I turned back to see him finish up his reply by grabbing the throw up bowl, setting it on Collin's bed and pretending to throw up for a few minutes.
Seeing how much fun his brother was having, Brody joined in.
Realizing they were leaving someone out, they asked Collin, "You want to throw up?".
These Boys may have a serious shot at acting, they are very convincing.
By this point Dove had come in and we just stood in the doorway and laughed ourselves silly.
Nighty-night all.
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Happy St. Patrick's Day!
Savannah is not a big city. Savannah loves holidays. Savannah really loves St. Patrick's Day.
I'm not kidding. It is a Big Deal here with a capital B. But what does that really mean?
St. Patrick's Day is Savannah's Mardi Gras. Complete with beads. Hotels book up months and months in advance. February kicks off the festivities and they last through March 17th. Our beautiful fountains even spout green water weeks ahead of time. I think people start drinking about a month ahead of time. We have the second largest parade in the country and today it ran for almost 4 hours. That's a lot of floats.
Every year Dove and I say, let's just stay home this year and avoid the crazyness. And every year we go, and every year we have a blast!
The Boys loved it this year! They had their green and beads on and got little play trumpets and danced and played with the bands and cheered for the parade! At one point tons of Army soldiers were marching by and a soldier came over and gave each of them a dog tag. They were so cute and pround of their gifts, they wouldn't let go of them for a long time!
We stayed for about 3 1/2 hours, then went to McDonald's for Daddy's favorite drink, a Shamrock Shake. All of the Boys got one.
After that we came home and napped, well 5/6th's of us did, Daddy worked in his studio.
It was a great time and a great day.
I love my life!
I'm not kidding. It is a Big Deal here with a capital B. But what does that really mean?
St. Patrick's Day is Savannah's Mardi Gras. Complete with beads. Hotels book up months and months in advance. February kicks off the festivities and they last through March 17th. Our beautiful fountains even spout green water weeks ahead of time. I think people start drinking about a month ahead of time. We have the second largest parade in the country and today it ran for almost 4 hours. That's a lot of floats.
Every year Dove and I say, let's just stay home this year and avoid the crazyness. And every year we go, and every year we have a blast!
The Boys loved it this year! They had their green and beads on and got little play trumpets and danced and played with the bands and cheered for the parade! At one point tons of Army soldiers were marching by and a soldier came over and gave each of them a dog tag. They were so cute and pround of their gifts, they wouldn't let go of them for a long time!
We stayed for about 3 1/2 hours, then went to McDonald's for Daddy's favorite drink, a Shamrock Shake. All of the Boys got one.
After that we came home and napped, well 5/6th's of us did, Daddy worked in his studio.
It was a great time and a great day.
I love my life!
Monday, March 16, 2009
Bedtime Routine and the Giggles it brings...
Every night we start off by saying the Lord's Prayer. After that I tell them a silly ryhme I made up for them and tell them how much I love them. I thought I would share that here in case 20 years from now I can't remember this favorite part of my day...
Now let's close our eyes and have sweet dreams
of cotton candy clouds and silver moony beams.
Let's dream of marshmallow stars and super fast cars,
chocolate kisses and butterscotch wishes.
Close your eyes and have sweet dreams and tomorrow we will have so much fun.
I love you so, so much my little men.
Then everyone gets a second tuck in or a cup back and they get more kisses, they love it when I tell them that I love them to the moon annnnnnnd backbackback(whiling getting their tummies or necks).
It may seem silly, but it's mine and every night is another reminder of how incredibly blessed I am. I love hearing their squeals of laughter and feeling their little arms wrapped around me as they tell me "Hold you Mommy".
Their Daddy, their brother Indy and them are my world and what a world to live in...I couldn't dream of a better place.
Now let's close our eyes and have sweet dreams
of cotton candy clouds and silver moony beams.
Let's dream of marshmallow stars and super fast cars,
chocolate kisses and butterscotch wishes.
Close your eyes and have sweet dreams and tomorrow we will have so much fun.
I love you so, so much my little men.
Then everyone gets a second tuck in or a cup back and they get more kisses, they love it when I tell them that I love them to the moon annnnnnnd backbackback(whiling getting their tummies or necks).
It may seem silly, but it's mine and every night is another reminder of how incredibly blessed I am. I love hearing their squeals of laughter and feeling their little arms wrapped around me as they tell me "Hold you Mommy".
Their Daddy, their brother Indy and them are my world and what a world to live in...I couldn't dream of a better place.
Saturday, March 7, 2009
Wisks and Flops
We live in a warm place. Warm enough that probably 75% of my shoes are flip flops, I would say more, but I love shoes and still can't get rid of the 30 pairs that are too tall for Mommies to chase toddlers in.
Anyway, you can probably wear them 12 months out of the year here and people do. Sometimes when we get that flukey really, really cold day, you see people with flip flops and heavy jackets on. I may have been that person once and Dove may have been that person twice.
Now Lex, Brody and Collin are the proud owners of their first "flops".
At least 2/3 are proud. Brody likes to look at his, but wear his tennis shoes. The other two are however, are VERY proud owners of flops. So proud that when they wear them they shuffle very slowly about and stop every other person who passes by to announce that they have flops and kick their legs up high enough for them to see and tell them how cool they are. Okay, Collin does that way more than Lex, but Lex shuffles and shows a few people.
It took us about 30 minutes to walk from Target at the mall to the food court, which is normally a very, very quick jaunt.
It was hilarious and so much fun! I love seeing the excitement on their faces and the seriousness and the sheer pride. They are growing so fast. They love to look at my feet and then theirs and then my feet and then theirs, floppified of course.
At the end of this evening, I told them they could each pick out a toy from the dollar bins at Target.
Did they pick the farm animals?
The Spiderman toys?
They each picked out a wisk.
That's right, a wisk. They wanted to stir and make something.
It's fine with me, I love to bake and cook. I just thought it was funny that amidst all of the toys and Easter goodies, they pick out a wisk.
Oh, and they only had one blue one, so we went home with one blue one and two pink ones.
But we also went home with smiles and memories to look back on and giggle.
Anyway, you can probably wear them 12 months out of the year here and people do. Sometimes when we get that flukey really, really cold day, you see people with flip flops and heavy jackets on. I may have been that person once and Dove may have been that person twice.
Now Lex, Brody and Collin are the proud owners of their first "flops".
At least 2/3 are proud. Brody likes to look at his, but wear his tennis shoes. The other two are however, are VERY proud owners of flops. So proud that when they wear them they shuffle very slowly about and stop every other person who passes by to announce that they have flops and kick their legs up high enough for them to see and tell them how cool they are. Okay, Collin does that way more than Lex, but Lex shuffles and shows a few people.
It took us about 30 minutes to walk from Target at the mall to the food court, which is normally a very, very quick jaunt.
It was hilarious and so much fun! I love seeing the excitement on their faces and the seriousness and the sheer pride. They are growing so fast. They love to look at my feet and then theirs and then my feet and then theirs, floppified of course.
At the end of this evening, I told them they could each pick out a toy from the dollar bins at Target.
Did they pick the farm animals?
The Spiderman toys?
They each picked out a wisk.
That's right, a wisk. They wanted to stir and make something.
It's fine with me, I love to bake and cook. I just thought it was funny that amidst all of the toys and Easter goodies, they pick out a wisk.
Oh, and they only had one blue one, so we went home with one blue one and two pink ones.
But we also went home with smiles and memories to look back on and giggle.
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
As the world sleeps...
we are playing with balloons.
My little men decided to wake up somewhere around 5am or before.
Fun, fun.
I informed them that it was still night time and they were to get back in bed. That worked for about thirty minutes. They did not go back to sleep but played in their beds while I tried to sleep on the floor.
They had each gotten a balloon yesterday and were so excited to play with them this morning they couldn't stand it. They were heart broken when they saw that only one was still floating and a small riot ensued.
We are taking a nap at 11 today.
We have all been sick with bronchitis and lots of boogers and other good stuff. We are finally feeling somewhat better. I cracked a rib from coughing so hard and now I have pinched a nerve on the opposite side, I guess from overusing that side? I felt like I had a fever all night, and with my side it made for an uncomfortable night. It didn't help to wake up before the sun and try to sleep on the floor.
Wish us luck, ha ha!
My little men decided to wake up somewhere around 5am or before.
Fun, fun.
I informed them that it was still night time and they were to get back in bed. That worked for about thirty minutes. They did not go back to sleep but played in their beds while I tried to sleep on the floor.
They had each gotten a balloon yesterday and were so excited to play with them this morning they couldn't stand it. They were heart broken when they saw that only one was still floating and a small riot ensued.
We are taking a nap at 11 today.
We have all been sick with bronchitis and lots of boogers and other good stuff. We are finally feeling somewhat better. I cracked a rib from coughing so hard and now I have pinched a nerve on the opposite side, I guess from overusing that side? I felt like I had a fever all night, and with my side it made for an uncomfortable night. It didn't help to wake up before the sun and try to sleep on the floor.
Wish us luck, ha ha!
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Happy Half Birthday Little Men!
Happy Valentine's Day everyone.
This day is extra special in our house because our three little Boys turn 2 1/2 today. I still can not believe that I am so incredibly lucky to be the Mommy to these special Little Men. I am even luckier to be married to such a wonderful Man. He is so loving and amazes me every day(usually in a good way!)! I hope all of my Men know how much I love them. I could not survive without any one of you, from the big one to the tiny, furry one. If you could see what my heart looked like, it would be each of you. God has given me so much, I am one lucky woman.
We had a really nice day today.
This day is extra special in our house because our three little Boys turn 2 1/2 today. I still can not believe that I am so incredibly lucky to be the Mommy to these special Little Men. I am even luckier to be married to such a wonderful Man. He is so loving and amazes me every day(usually in a good way!)! I hope all of my Men know how much I love them. I could not survive without any one of you, from the big one to the tiny, furry one. If you could see what my heart looked like, it would be each of you. God has given me so much, I am one lucky woman.
We had a really nice day today.
Friday, February 13, 2009
First of all, thank you so much Carey(aka Pop-A-Lock hero)!!! You totally saved the day yesterday! For those of you who have no clue what I'm talking about, read yesterday's post.
I need to take a minute to let everyone know how wonderful this company is! My first reaction after locking my children in the car was to call 911. My Mommy friend and the owner of Bouncing Angels told me we needed Pop-A-Lock instead. They called them and told them what was going on and gave me the phone for the car details.
The woman I spoke with was so sweet and efficient. She even stayed on the phone with me and explained the process while we waited for an ETA. Shortly after, Carey came and saved the day in under 3 minutes. It was ridiculously quick. I think it actually took longer for me to watch the door lock than it did for him to open it! No one made fun of me or pointed out that locking them in the car is not the best idea in the book. They were very understanding and reassuring.
And guess what else????
It was FREE.
That's right FREE.
They drop everything(so if you had to wait here yesterday afternoon, sorry, my bad) and come rescue your children and they do it with a smile asking for nothing in return.
That is this Mommy's idea of a wonderful business! It is so nice to see a company do something because it is a good and right thing to do, rather than just for financial gain. I will tell everyone I know what a wonderful company this is and I hope they are your first choice if you find yourself on the wrong side of your keys.
Thank you so much Carey and the Pop-A-Lock family, you ROCK!!!
I need to take a minute to let everyone know how wonderful this company is! My first reaction after locking my children in the car was to call 911. My Mommy friend and the owner of Bouncing Angels told me we needed Pop-A-Lock instead. They called them and told them what was going on and gave me the phone for the car details.
The woman I spoke with was so sweet and efficient. She even stayed on the phone with me and explained the process while we waited for an ETA. Shortly after, Carey came and saved the day in under 3 minutes. It was ridiculously quick. I think it actually took longer for me to watch the door lock than it did for him to open it! No one made fun of me or pointed out that locking them in the car is not the best idea in the book. They were very understanding and reassuring.
And guess what else????
It was FREE.
That's right FREE.
They drop everything(so if you had to wait here yesterday afternoon, sorry, my bad) and come rescue your children and they do it with a smile asking for nothing in return.
That is this Mommy's idea of a wonderful business! It is so nice to see a company do something because it is a good and right thing to do, rather than just for financial gain. I will tell everyone I know what a wonderful company this is and I hope they are your first choice if you find yourself on the wrong side of your keys.
Thank you so much Carey and the Pop-A-Lock family, you ROCK!!!
Thursday, February 12, 2009
And the Mommy of the Year is...
You guessed it!
Little ole' ME!!!
How I came to accept this fabulous title is the story you are about to read...
(Can you feel the excitement in the air???)
Here it was, just a typical Thursday. We spent the morning bouncing our heads off at our favorite jumping ground, Bouncing Angels. After a pizza lunch and a few more slides we decided to call it a day.
With the promise of M&M's leading them, my three little angels skipped to the car. I safely secured them in their seats, gave them their reward(I know, I know. Bad Mommy, M&M's AND pizza? Well, they had pretzels and fruit too, so we're good.) and their water cups, started the car and turned on the a/c. I then grabbed my phone, why, I don't know and hopped out of the car pulling the door to behind me.
This is where the weird time shift starts.
As I pulled the door closed, time froze and I saw my door was locked. How could that be??? I always click it open TWICE to make sure it's unlocked. I then saw that the passenger door was locked as well. As I grabbed the van's side door I had just shut I heard the dreaded, CLICK!
I LOCKED MY THREE KIDS IN THE CAR WITH IT ON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
WHO does that???
(hand raised) ummm, I guess that would be me...
I look in the window at them and they are all just smiles happily eating their treat.
I tried every door to no avail. I burst into Bouncing Angels to announce to the owner and my friend my predicament they instantly called Pop-A-Lock and got them on their way. The owner came out and we took turns playing peek-a-boo through the window.
I tried my best to explain the situation to them, basically shouting at the top of my lungs so they could hear me. I think I also informed half of Savannah of my actions and got a few well-deserved "crazy lady in the parking lot" stares as well. I re-assured them that all was well and we would be on our way soon. After a few "ready to GO's" from them, they fell asleep.
Praise the Lord! No tears, no fights, just M&M's and Zzzzzzzzz.
Shortly after, my hero, the Pop-A-Lock man showed up and reunited me with my sleeping brood. He commented that I was very calm and that most people are freaking out. I commented back that the a/c was on and they were asleep, so I didn't need to really worry at that moment.
The second he left I had to hold back the bile rising in my throat. It hit me.
They are okay and that's all that matters, but man I CAN'T BELIEVE I DID THAT!
*sigh* *deep breath*
All's well that ends well.
I may be getting a necklace to sport an extra key or two though. I need some new bling. Maybe that could be my medal...
Little ole' ME!!!
How I came to accept this fabulous title is the story you are about to read...
(Can you feel the excitement in the air???)
Here it was, just a typical Thursday. We spent the morning bouncing our heads off at our favorite jumping ground, Bouncing Angels. After a pizza lunch and a few more slides we decided to call it a day.
With the promise of M&M's leading them, my three little angels skipped to the car. I safely secured them in their seats, gave them their reward(I know, I know. Bad Mommy, M&M's AND pizza? Well, they had pretzels and fruit too, so we're good.) and their water cups, started the car and turned on the a/c. I then grabbed my phone, why, I don't know and hopped out of the car pulling the door to behind me.
This is where the weird time shift starts.
As I pulled the door closed, time froze and I saw my door was locked. How could that be??? I always click it open TWICE to make sure it's unlocked. I then saw that the passenger door was locked as well. As I grabbed the van's side door I had just shut I heard the dreaded, CLICK!
I LOCKED MY THREE KIDS IN THE CAR WITH IT ON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
WHO does that???
(hand raised) ummm, I guess that would be me...
I look in the window at them and they are all just smiles happily eating their treat.
I tried every door to no avail. I burst into Bouncing Angels to announce to the owner and my friend my predicament they instantly called Pop-A-Lock and got them on their way. The owner came out and we took turns playing peek-a-boo through the window.
I tried my best to explain the situation to them, basically shouting at the top of my lungs so they could hear me. I think I also informed half of Savannah of my actions and got a few well-deserved "crazy lady in the parking lot" stares as well. I re-assured them that all was well and we would be on our way soon. After a few "ready to GO's" from them, they fell asleep.
Praise the Lord! No tears, no fights, just M&M's and Zzzzzzzzz.
Shortly after, my hero, the Pop-A-Lock man showed up and reunited me with my sleeping brood. He commented that I was very calm and that most people are freaking out. I commented back that the a/c was on and they were asleep, so I didn't need to really worry at that moment.
The second he left I had to hold back the bile rising in my throat. It hit me.
They are okay and that's all that matters, but man I CAN'T BELIEVE I DID THAT!
*sigh* *deep breath*
All's well that ends well.
I may be getting a necklace to sport an extra key or two though. I need some new bling. Maybe that could be my medal...
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Help save Babies!!!

You may have noticed my March of Dimes Fundraiser Bar on the side. Dove, the Boys and I will be walking in the March For Babies here in Savannah at the end of April. We started walking the year we had the Boys and this will be our 3rd event!!!
We are and were so incredibly blessed that Lex, Brody and Collin are so healthy! They were born at 32 weeks gestation, 8 weeks early. Lex spent 18 days in the hospital and Brody and Collin spent 19. They are such fighters! They all weighed less than 4lbs when they came home! Can you believe that??? It's so hard to imagine my 30 lb Boys that small! But they were. Normally a preemie is delayed physically and developmentally. Once again, our Boys have amazed everyone and are advanced for their age. We are so, so grateful for them and their strength and health.
Not all preemies are so lucky. So many babies are born too soon. We expected it with our Boys, but many people don't. The March of Dimes has provided so much to give these babies a chance. 20 years ago our Boys may not have had much of a shot. Today they and other babies due thanks to the March of Dimes. They fund research that has been crucial in giving babies born early a fighting chance. They provide so many resources for parents thrust into a terrifying world. Imagine your 3lb baby and much smaller hooked up to tubes, respirators and machines.
These are babies that can fit their entire wrist through your wedding band. These babies deserve a chance. The March of Dimes is dedicated, dedicated to improving the health of babies by preventing birth defects, premature birth and infant mortality.
Please help us help them.
Sponsor us.
Lex, Brody, Collin, Dove and I thank you from the absolute bottom of our hearts.
Monday, February 9, 2009
Happy Monday!
It's 7:30 Monday morning and I have already broken up 2 fights, cleaned up a C-Collin's mess of spit out medicine and yogurt and picked up two boxes of cereal! And they say Monday's drag!
It's going to be a beautiful day here so we are going to spend it outside!
We never have a boring day around here, and I LOVE it!!!
Have a great Monday everyone!!!
It's going to be a beautiful day here so we are going to spend it outside!
We never have a boring day around here, and I LOVE it!!!
Have a great Monday everyone!!!
Thursday, February 5, 2009
A little circus video!
I know, I know. I have really been stinking, but hey, we have been getting up at 6(even earlier some days, lucky me!) every day for a bit now, so I have been passing out shortly after they do. My me time is dwindling fast!
We had SOOOOOO much fun at the circus! Here are a few pics and a video of us waiting for the main event to start! Enjoy!
P.S. They really did have fun, I just can't seem to get too many smiles on camera, I think I may annoy them with the camera, ha ha!

We had SOOOOOO much fun at the circus! Here are a few pics and a video of us waiting for the main event to start! Enjoy!
P.S. They really did have fun, I just can't seem to get too many smiles on camera, I think I may annoy them with the camera, ha ha!
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
All I can think about right now is how snuggly my bed is. We started the day out around 6:45 this morning. We ran Dove to work around 7, came home got dressed and ate super fast. I ran them to "school", came home and started moving things and picking up 90% of the toys in our house to have the carpets cleaned. While that was going on I cleaned and unloaded/re-loaded the dishwasher. Took a quick shower, picked them up, ran to Wal-Mart, went to see and pick up Daddy, came home, played, cooked dinner, played some more, baths and now we are snacking and about to head to bed.
Do you see anything missing from the day's activities???
Hmmm...oh wait, that's right, there's no nap listed. Or as I like to call it, my "lunch break".
They've been going to bed around 10pm so I thought if they didn't nap they would go to bed early and get back on the right schedule. I hope.
It was fine, they are slightly(okay, kind of an understatement) grouchy and I am aching. But we still had a great day!
There was the sweetest moment at dinner when Lex turned to me and exclaimed "Delicious!!!" in response to the bite he had just taken. That was one of the proudest moments of my life. I thought I was about to cry and I'm still smiling hearing that little voice echo in my mind. Being a Mother is the most incredible thing I've ever done or will ever do. Thank you God for giving me this!
Well, Brody is fluttering his eyelids, slumping over, catching himself and redoing the process over again so we are off to dreamland.
Sweet dreams world.
P.S. Please feel free to follow this blog and/or comment, I'd love to hear from you!!!
Do you see anything missing from the day's activities???
Hmmm...oh wait, that's right, there's no nap listed. Or as I like to call it, my "lunch break".
They've been going to bed around 10pm so I thought if they didn't nap they would go to bed early and get back on the right schedule. I hope.
It was fine, they are slightly(okay, kind of an understatement) grouchy and I am aching. But we still had a great day!
There was the sweetest moment at dinner when Lex turned to me and exclaimed "Delicious!!!" in response to the bite he had just taken. That was one of the proudest moments of my life. I thought I was about to cry and I'm still smiling hearing that little voice echo in my mind. Being a Mother is the most incredible thing I've ever done or will ever do. Thank you God for giving me this!
Well, Brody is fluttering his eyelids, slumping over, catching himself and redoing the process over again so we are off to dreamland.
Sweet dreams world.
P.S. Please feel free to follow this blog and/or comment, I'd love to hear from you!!!
Monday, January 5, 2009
Quotes and Fun Facts!
Tonight while in the bath, Lex said the cutest thing and I told myself I would write it down. Our days are filled with things that I want to remember. I get so caught up with what we are doing that even though I mark it in my head when I get a sec to jot or type it, I go blank. So tonight if not for your enjoyment, but for my own in the future I am jotting it down.
Here goes!
(Okay, now that I've built it up, it may not be so great to you, but boo to you, I'm sure you tell these stories about your kids too!)
Lately they have been really into pretending with their toys. Animals, trains, anything they grab ends up having a full conversation, usually concluding with hugs and kisses.(I just realized they never make them fight, 1 point for Mom and Dad!) Each of them have a Thomas, Percy and Salty bath squirter for the tub. They usually make them talk to each other and tonight was no different. Lex was holding Thomas and had just dunked him in the bubbles, brought him up and exclaimed "OH NO cried Thomas!" He actually said "cried Thomas". It gets more funny every time I think about it! He was so serious and it was as if he were narrating a Thomas show or reading a book! Maybe we'll have a little author on our hands!!!
A cute fun fact for you too! They all LOVE to sing. They know every word to more songs than I can count. Brody could hold a microphone and sing to you all day and he will. He will also let you know when it is okay to cheer and appalause for him. When he is ready for the song to end he smiles really big and starts chanting sszz sszz sszz sszz... And we know we are good to go, no clue how he came up with that, but it actually comes in handy sometimes!
Not to leave Collin out, here's one about him. His newest thing is not only telling you what he wants, but what he will do with it. Examples: He asked for his milk and when I told him okay, he'll say, "I drink it with mouth!" He also today said "That car loud" to which I said, "Yes it is." He replied "I hear it with my ear!" He has also been known to let me know that he watches a show with his eyes and so on! I think that he is very smart to realize that all of these body parts actually have a purpose and aren't just random things!
So there, I few little facts about my Boys.
Now for my Big Boy. Today Daddy went back to work. YUCKY! We are all really sad that Winter Break is over, but we are so grateful that we do get to spend so much time with him. God blesses so much! I don't talk about Dove enough, and I don't tell him enough, but he is an amazing Father and a more amazing Husband. Anyone who can put up with me for as long as he has, deserves a medal! We all love you so much Daddy!
Nighty-night all!
Here goes!
(Okay, now that I've built it up, it may not be so great to you, but boo to you, I'm sure you tell these stories about your kids too!)
Lately they have been really into pretending with their toys. Animals, trains, anything they grab ends up having a full conversation, usually concluding with hugs and kisses.(I just realized they never make them fight, 1 point for Mom and Dad!) Each of them have a Thomas, Percy and Salty bath squirter for the tub. They usually make them talk to each other and tonight was no different. Lex was holding Thomas and had just dunked him in the bubbles, brought him up and exclaimed "OH NO cried Thomas!" He actually said "cried Thomas". It gets more funny every time I think about it! He was so serious and it was as if he were narrating a Thomas show or reading a book! Maybe we'll have a little author on our hands!!!
A cute fun fact for you too! They all LOVE to sing. They know every word to more songs than I can count. Brody could hold a microphone and sing to you all day and he will. He will also let you know when it is okay to cheer and appalause for him. When he is ready for the song to end he smiles really big and starts chanting sszz sszz sszz sszz... And we know we are good to go, no clue how he came up with that, but it actually comes in handy sometimes!
Not to leave Collin out, here's one about him. His newest thing is not only telling you what he wants, but what he will do with it. Examples: He asked for his milk and when I told him okay, he'll say, "I drink it with mouth!" He also today said "That car loud" to which I said, "Yes it is." He replied "I hear it with my ear!" He has also been known to let me know that he watches a show with his eyes and so on! I think that he is very smart to realize that all of these body parts actually have a purpose and aren't just random things!
So there, I few little facts about my Boys.
Now for my Big Boy. Today Daddy went back to work. YUCKY! We are all really sad that Winter Break is over, but we are so grateful that we do get to spend so much time with him. God blesses so much! I don't talk about Dove enough, and I don't tell him enough, but he is an amazing Father and a more amazing Husband. Anyone who can put up with me for as long as he has, deserves a medal! We all love you so much Daddy!
Nighty-night all!
Saturday, January 3, 2009
A Pee Pee in the Potty A Pee Pee in the Potty!
You have to imagine the title with music, that's our potty song! We've sung it a few times in the past couple of days. While Dove was in Japan, Lex and Brody went poopy in the potty but I wasn't quite ready to start potty training with the all of the wackiness going on that the holidays bring. I did give them a piece of candy each and told them every time they go in the potty they can have a piece of candy.
Yesterday for some reason I decided, let's get a little more excited about it, and they are doing great! Collin has been doing super well and has gone 3 times in the last 36 hours on the potty! We definitely aren't hardcore training, just making it fun and more available, but they seem really interested so we may start the serious training in the next couple of weeks. Of course if I were two and someone told me I could have candy every time I needed to relieve myself, I would probably think that they heavens had opened up and swallowed me whole. It may not be the best approach, but hey, I have three boys, the exact same age(ok, give a minute or two), so if a tootsie roll or a sweettart gets us out of diapers, so be it. They only get a piece(and a small one) if they actually go.
Of course, this could be a total disaster, but you never know until you try. I am not looking forward to spending 90 percent of every trip out of the house in a yucky public restroom, but if my little men are telling me they want to take another step forward, I will never hold them back. I certainly don't want them to grow up, but I also don't ever want to keep them down either.
Isn't parenting fun???
Oh, we had a lottery winning moment today also, we scored 3 pairs of shoes, in the same size on SALE!!! DING DING DING!!! It was AWESOME!
Yesterday for some reason I decided, let's get a little more excited about it, and they are doing great! Collin has been doing super well and has gone 3 times in the last 36 hours on the potty! We definitely aren't hardcore training, just making it fun and more available, but they seem really interested so we may start the serious training in the next couple of weeks. Of course if I were two and someone told me I could have candy every time I needed to relieve myself, I would probably think that they heavens had opened up and swallowed me whole. It may not be the best approach, but hey, I have three boys, the exact same age(ok, give a minute or two), so if a tootsie roll or a sweettart gets us out of diapers, so be it. They only get a piece(and a small one) if they actually go.
Of course, this could be a total disaster, but you never know until you try. I am not looking forward to spending 90 percent of every trip out of the house in a yucky public restroom, but if my little men are telling me they want to take another step forward, I will never hold them back. I certainly don't want them to grow up, but I also don't ever want to keep them down either.
Isn't parenting fun???
Oh, we had a lottery winning moment today also, we scored 3 pairs of shoes, in the same size on SALE!!! DING DING DING!!! It was AWESOME!
The Good Ole South...
You know you're Southern when someone tells you it's easier to clean your greens by throwing them in the washing machine on the rinse cycle and you feel like you've won the lottery with this tidbit and can't wait to try it.
Yes, this was a conversation I had this morning and yes we are having greens for dinner.
Happy Eating!
Yes, this was a conversation I had this morning and yes we are having greens for dinner.
Happy Eating!
Friday, January 2, 2009
Happy NEW Year!!!
I hope everyone had a wonderful, safe New Year's!
Guess what we did?
We played a game, an old family favorite, it's called, pass the bucket. The idea is to pass a bucket around and see if everyone's throw up actually makes it in. Yipeeee. :(
Brody and I passed out around 7 and everyone else followed at 8. We have been pretty wiped out and pathetic from this, our latest stomach virus attack. Luckily we are all feeling much better.
Still a little tired and achy, but better.
Tonight we are going to go down to the River to watch the fireworks for First Friday since we missed all of the excitement on New Years night. We still have a bottle of champagne chilling in the fridge and I'm hoping our tummies feel okay to crack it open after the boys go to bed.
My wish for the New Year is that we stop bringing home every germ in Georgia. I'm considering bubble suits as possible Birthday gifts.
We wish you all love and happiness not just for 2009, but every day of your life! God bless you!
Guess what we did?
We played a game, an old family favorite, it's called, pass the bucket. The idea is to pass a bucket around and see if everyone's throw up actually makes it in. Yipeeee. :(
Brody and I passed out around 7 and everyone else followed at 8. We have been pretty wiped out and pathetic from this, our latest stomach virus attack. Luckily we are all feeling much better.
Still a little tired and achy, but better.
Tonight we are going to go down to the River to watch the fireworks for First Friday since we missed all of the excitement on New Years night. We still have a bottle of champagne chilling in the fridge and I'm hoping our tummies feel okay to crack it open after the boys go to bed.
My wish for the New Year is that we stop bringing home every germ in Georgia. I'm considering bubble suits as possible Birthday gifts.
We wish you all love and happiness not just for 2009, but every day of your life! God bless you!
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